Center of Genomics, Evolution and Medicine

cGEM project launched

On 1st of Septeber 2018 Institute of Genomics of Univerity of Tartu together with Institute of Clinical Medicine of University of Tartu launced a H2020 funded ERA Chair project  – cGEM – the Centre for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine

The project will last 60 months and will be funded with 2,5M €.

The ERA Chair aims to apply advancements in genomic medicine in an evolutionarily-aware framework to account for different evolutionary pathways of populations which have led to differences in susceptibility to common diseases. The grant brings together the scientific expertise in three institutions: the Estonian Biocentre (EBC) and the Estonian Genome Center (EGC) which were consolidated to form the Institute of Genomics at University of Tartu from January 2018, and the Institute of Clinical Medicine (ICM of University of Tartu). The cGEM will enable to supplement the new institute with 4 world renowned high level researchers, 3 post-docs and 6 PhD students.

cGEM will utilize its international collaborations and in-house biobanks to advance the personalized medicine solutions for admixed populations for predicting risk of certain complex diseases, including metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, and cancers.  

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